Square of victory

May 9, 1945 is the day of the Victory of the Soviet people over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War, which began on June 22, 1941. Victory Day is also a day of remembrance. In total, during the years of this terrible war of the 20th century, more than 28 million Soviet citizens died, of which more than 130 thousand Kyrgyzstanis did not return from the war. Usually the main festive events of the country take place in Bishkek at the Eternal Flame on Victory Square, where a guard of honor, troops of the Bishkek garrison and a separate military demonstration orchestra are displayed.
The memorial was completed in 1985, on the 40th anniversary of the victory over Nazi Germany in World War II. Three curved arcs represent a yurt, in which there is a statue of a Kyrgyz woman. She (mother, wife), stands under a tunduk in the shape of a funeral wreath by the eternal flame, waiting for her son/husband, who will never return home from the front. The monument stands on Victory Square, which used to be the main Bishkek bazaar.